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More and more firms are incorporating Seenit, & so video, into their internal comms strategy. With each new partnership emerges completely new ways of using our versatile platform.
Seenit has enabled clients across a broad range of industries to create video content on anything and everything from event coverage, showcasing their company culture, putting employees at the front of marketing campaigns, to internally sharing reports across levels. There seems to be no limit to how video can be used.
Just last week, HSBC’s Jenny Varley and Dee Gosney spoke at smilelondon2016 on how video helped to rebuild trust and employee engagementthroughout the global organisation. Utilising the Seenit platform, HSBC created the HSBC NOW app, which “put a human face on the organisation” and empowered its people to share their personal stories.
What happened when we asked #HSBCGraduates to film their first few months in the bank? See for yourself… {: .present-before-paste}— HSBC NOW (@HSBC_NOW) October 17, 2016
In a glowing review, Rolls Royce’s Iain Lumsden describes how user-generated video content has changed the game for their communications strategy. Read ‘How to turn employees into your very own film crew’
Seenit’s ability to easily direct and collect video has made story-strong video that strengthens communication within a number of companies.
Here are a few morecompany stories we’ve helped to create & capture.
Make sure to save this playlist so you know what you could be making.