Legal > Service level and support schedule

Service level and support schedule

Schedule 2

Last updated: 3 May, 2023

  1. This Schedule sets out the support services that will be provided by Seenit as part of a Subscription and the Service Levels that apply to the Subscription Services. Where there is a conflict between other parts of the Contract and this Schedule in respect of the Service Levels and/or Support Services only, this Schedule shall take precedence.
  2. Service Levels
    1. Availability: Seenit will endeavour to maintain the Subscription Services availability at 99.9% measured over a 3 month period. Availability is subject to scheduled maintenance periods which will be notified in advance and kept if reasonably possible to the hours of 1am – 5am GMT/BST.
    2. Helpdesk: Seenit undertakes to operate a Customer Support Helpdesk, having suitably skilled support staff available from 8:00am to 8:00pm GMT/BST on Business Days to log fault calls and to deal promptly with problems encountered by the Studio Users.
      1. Security Vulnerability Response Time:

        Seenit will endeavour to meet or exceed the following response times:
        1. Critical CVSS > 9.0-10.0
          1. Tactical fix (or workaround)< 24 hours
          2. Full fix (or workaround) 5 days
        2. High CVSS Between 7.0-8.9
          1. Tactical fix (or workaround)<5 days
          2. Full fix (or workaround) 10 days
        3. Medium CVSS between 4-6.9
          1. Tactical fix (or workaround)<10 days
          2. Full fix (or workaround) 30 days
        4. Low CVSS <3.9
          1. Full fix (or workaround) 90 days
    3. Support Services
      1. The customer support helpdesk may be accessed by Studio Users via two methods as outlined below:
        1. Direct link available in the menu bar from the Software Application
        2. Sending an email to
      2. Requests to the customer support helpdesk may be placed by any Studio User.
      3. The impact and severity of a reported fault or problem will be evaluated and discussed with the Customer during the Customer’s initial enquiry. The severity of the problem will be mutually agreed and documented according to these guidelines:
        1. Critical – A problem or fault which is causing a complete system outage for all customers. Seenit’s support staff will use all reasonable endeavours to respond to the Customer with a workaround/fix within 8 hours of receiving notice of a critical problem being reported. Critical problems will be worked on until the fault is permanently cleared, a workaround found or the system is operational.
        2. Serious – A problem or fault which significantly inhibits production but does not prevent operations and have a significant measurable monetary of business impact. Seenit’s support staff will use all reasonable  endeavours to respond to the Customer with a workaround within 4 hours of receiving notice of a serious problem being reported. Serious problems will be worked on until the fault is permanently cleared, a workaround is found or the system is operational.
        3. Moderate – Specific functions do not conform to the Functionality Description, but do not impede productive use of Seenit. Seenit’s support staff will use all reasonable endeavours to respond to the Customer with a workaround within 72 hours of receiving notice of a moderate problem being reported. Seenit shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure that a permanent fault fix or workaround is provided as soon as possible.
        4. Minor – Cosmetic production problems and general test system problems that do not affect availability of the production system, online transaction processing or have no significant monetary or business value. This severity level will also be used to categorise general technical help desk type of enquiries. Seenit’s support staff will respond to the Customer within 1 week of a minor problem being reported. Seenit shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure that a permanent fault fix or workaround is provided as part of the next update it provides to Seenit.