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Nowadays most of the traditional leadership methods are failing and therefore a more creative approach is needed. Humanising the boss can bring leadership teams closer to their internal audience and help promote transparency, inclusivity, and build trust. At Seenit we do this all the time, want to see how? Check out the video at the top!
When this pandemic first broke out, Seenit did a great job of communicating leadership decisions straight away. Our CEO Emily Forbes and COO Victoria Armstrong made sure to keep everyone in the loop with everything that was being discussed and decided. But at the time, there was a whole host of things that were affecting us every day outside of the business stuff.
I wanted to hear how Emily and Victoria were coping outside of the 9-5, and I knew my colleagues would too because lockdown procrastination and mental health were on everyone’s minds.
At Seenit we are practising what we preach everyday, therefore - although we’re a small and unified team - after seeing the benefits that some of our large corporate customers were having from using User-Generated Video (UGV) for their Leadership Communications, I decided to run a Seenit project to bring our senior leaders even closer to the team.
I started by asking everyone to film two questions on the Seenit app, one for Emily and one for Victoria. There were no strict limitations on topic and the questions we received ranged from furlough to hummus! Once they had submitted them, Emily and Victoria simply went into the app’s feed to watch them and answered each and every one- none were left unanswered.
The final video picks some of the more interesting and dynamic answers, while the rest were left open for people to watch in the feed. The final edit was incredibly well received and everyone appreciated the time that Emily and V put into sharing their answers.
Seenit, as well as other businesses, encountered some challenges, but the leadership methods weren’t affected in a negative way. We are, in fact, stronger now and proud to have such amazing women as leaders.
What leadership method do you think is the best to use, especially in the middle of a crisis? Leave us a comment down below to let us know.