Project Template

Mental Health Awareness Week

13th - 19th May 2024 is Mental Health Awareness week. Creating an employee video for Mental Health Awareness Week shows your commitment to employee well-being, promotes mental health resources, and fosters a supportive workplace culture. Creating a video to acknowledge mental health can reduce stigma, encourage open conversations, and provide valuable information to help your team maintain their mental health.

Key information



1+ people

Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube


Softer engagement




Internal Comms

Video outputs

hero video


still images

quote cards

The template

Mental Health Awareness Week

What is this project about?
This year for Mental Health Awareness Week, we want to hear from you about what mental health means to you. In addition to the planned activities throughout the week, we will be creating a highlight video of employees talking about Mental Health and Wellbeing in their own words.

How do I upload?
This is the Seenit platform that we'll be using to film, upload and edit your clips. There is a list of filming instructions below called "Scenes" so please capture 1 or more clips for each Scene answering the relevant questions.

What next?
We’ll be creating a Mental Health Awareness Week highlight video to share in company updates and externally.

Thank you for taking part!

Story closes in 5 days

Film in landscape

Keep clips under 1 min

Please choose a scene to upload to

What is your name, role and location?
What are some things you do to support your mental health?
Are there any benefits available to you through the company that help support your mental health?

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Top tips for running this project:

  1. 👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏽 Include Personal Stories: Real-life stories can be incredibly powerful in driving home the importance of mental health awareness
  2. ⛓️‍💥 Respect Boundaries: If a contributor decides they no longer want to share their story or participate be understanding
  3. ✏️ Educate: Use your video as an opportunity to educate viewers about common mental health conditions, signs and symptoms, and available resources at your company

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