Content Calendar

Here are some template ideas of events happening throughout the year


New Year, new me... just kidding, still the same mess

Celebrating Lunar New Year

Multi Contributor Reputation Advocacy Awareness


The month of love and discounted chocolates

Black History Month

Multi Contributor Awareness Internal Comms Reputation


The month where I regret not joining a gym in January

International Women's Day - hero video

Multi Contributor Awareness Employee Engagement Internal Comms

International Day of Happiness

Multi Contributor Internal Comms Employee Engagement Consideration Advocacy

World Book Day

Multi Contributor Internal Comms Employee Engagement


April showers bring May flowers, but also ruin my hair

National Pet Day

Multi Contributor Awareness Employee Engagement Consideration

Earth Day

Multi Contributor Consideration Awareness Reputation


When I switch from complaining about the cold to complaining about hay fever

Mental Health Awareness Week

Multi Contributor Awareness Internal Comms Reputation


When the sun peeks out for a nanosecond, and we all pretend it's summer

World Environment Day

Multi Contributor Awareness Reputation Employee Engagement Internal Comms


Multi Contributor Advocacy Awareness Reputation Employee Engagement


When I question if it's possible to get a sunburn through the clouds

World Youth Skills Day

Multi Contributor Learning & Development Consideration Reputation


When I brave the beach, armed with a windbreaker and high hopes

National Photography Day

Stock Employee Engagement Internal Comms


Where my 'summer body' remains a distant dream

National Inclusion Week

Multi Contributor Advocacy Awareness Employee Engagement Internal Comms


Where I attempt to carve a pumpkin without losing a finger

Breast Cancer Awareness

Multi Contributor Advocacy Awareness Reputation


Where fireworks illuminate the sky, and I question why I can't feel my toes

End of Year Highlights

Multi Contributor


The season of mulled wine, mince pies, and endless debates about whether Die Hard is a Christmas movie

Winter holidays celebration video

Multi Contributor Employee Engagement Internal Comms

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